Just like last year we had a blast with our friends the Browns on New Year's Eve. We had an appetizer, or snack dinner where we just have snack foods, let the kids eat what they want, and keep going back for more. So here is a picture of the spread. Yum, yum, yummy! (Except the olives, I didn't eat those!)
Here are the kids chowing down.
Clockwise starting at the top: Krista, Andrew, Emma, Melissa, Bradley, Ethan, Maeley, and Amelia
The kids had a blast riding scooters around in the basement for quite a while. Then I got them cozy upstairs in our bed with a movie on so that we could rock it out with Rock Band. I wish I had pictures of it, I know Nicole does so maybe I can get them.

I put Andrew to bed around 8 and the others stayed up until midnight. Earlier in the day I made sure that they each understood that if they took a nap they could have a chance to stay up. I was amazed to have 5 kids napping at once. So about 11:55pm we turned off Rock Band and turned on the TV to watch the countdown and ball drop in NY City. The kids thought it was gross to see us and everyone else kissing. Then we got them all in bed. Emma and Maeley spent the night, so all the girls slept in Melissa and Amelia's room. Poor Bradley felt left out, but at least he had Andrew, right? We played a little more Rock Band and went to bed around 3:30am. When I went to check on the girls Amelia sat up and said she didn't feel well. So Ryan took her bed into Krista's empty room and I got her a bowl. Good thing I did because she threw up 3 or 4 times that night. When I was up with her around 6:50 am I heard noises from the other girls. They were all bouncing around after staying up past midnight and without the sun even rising yet. So I told them all to go back to bed. Emma and Maeley were so scared they didn't get out of bed until I went in and told them they could. Cute girls. Then everyone, except Ryan & Amelia, went to the Brown's house for AWESOME Belgian waffles with homemade coconut syrup. Yum! The left over waffles I brought Ryan he said were the best he'd had. Good food, great friends, and wonderful memories!